A lot of undergrad chemistry students discover that (also,
unintentionally), when trying to ether-extract relatively strong nitric
acid... We had to use gas masks, to open the windows. The entire room was
dark brown.
> The red, noxious cloud of nitrogen trioxide would have covered a city block,
> all from 250mL of nitric acid. Thankfully, my parents weren't home at the
It is a very efficient, delayed-impact defoliant.
> time. Interesting reaction. Nothing happens for 10 or 15 minutes and then
> suddenly... (When synthesizing PETN, follow the temperature recommendations
> *precisely*!)
Tetranitropentaerythrite? Bad boy! Seriously bad boy. We never went
beyond nitroglycerine and ethylnitrate.
> -James Rogers
> jamesr@best.com
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