IAN: That's a good question. I got the quote from the book
"New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies"
-- a fascinating book -- which links the quote to Disreli's
book, "The New Generation." I was in the library today
hoping to be able to find the context the sentence exists
in, but his book is not in the library. It's from 1844.
The quote is also found in other books.
Assuming that it is taken out of context to such and extent
that what we see above is an abuse of its intended meaning,
which I doubt, the claim that a central cabal of mega-wealthy
financiers funded the Bolshevik revolution, the Soviet Union
over the years and the left does not rest upon that quote
at all. The claim of mega-wealthy financing of the left
is solidly established and hardly in question.
IAN GODDARD <igoddard@erols.com> Q U E S T I O N A U T H O R I T Y
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