(Note #1: The exceptionally high arginine content of coconut protein
may partly explain the absence of heart disease. Note #2: The exceptionally high satiating effect of tubers may
help account for the absence of obesity.)
Lindeberg S. Berntorp E. Carlsson R. Eliasson M. Marckmann P.
Department of Community Health Sciences, Lund University, Sweaden.
Haemostatic variables in Pacific Islanders apparently free from stroke and
ischaemic heart disease--the Kitava Study.
Thrombosis & Haemostasis. 77(1):94-8, 1997 Jan.
We cross-sectionally measured plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
activity, fibrinogen, factor VII (FVII:C) and VIII (FVIII:C) coagulant
activity, and von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag) in 162 traditional
horticulturalists older than 40 years from the tropical island of
Kitava, Papua New Guinea, where the intake of western food
is negligible and where stroke and ischaemic heart disease appear to be
absent. Identical analyses were made in Swedish subjects of comparable ages.
Kitavams had markedly lower PAI-1 activity, with 85% of
males and 100% of females having PAI-1 activity < or = 5 U/ml, as compared
with 22 and 14% in Swedish males and females (p < 0.0001). Surprisingly,
Kitavans also had higher FVII:C. FVIII:C and VWF:Ag.
Fibrinogen was 10% lower in Kitavan males while 25% higher
in Kitavan females. The very low PAI-1 activity in
Kitavans may explain some of their apparent freedom from
cardiovascular disease and probably relates to their extreme leanness.
Lindeberg S. Nilsson-Ehle P. Vessby B.
Department of Community Health Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.
Lipoprotein composition and serum cholesterol ester fatty acids in
nonwesternized Melanesians.
Lipids. 31(2):153-8, 1996 Feb.
In this study, the relationships between dietary fat [as measured by serum
cholesterol ester fatty acids (CE-FA)], age, smoking, body mass index, and
serum lipids were analyzed in 151 subsistence horticulturalists, aged 20-86
yr, from Kitava, Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea. Their
diet consists of tubers, fruit, coconut, fish, and vegetables with a
negligible influence of western food and alcohol. Total fat intake is low
[21% of energy (en%)], while saturated fat intake from coconuts is high (17
en%, mainly lauric and myristic acid). In multivariate analysis, 11-43% of
the variation of the serum lipoprotein composition was explained by CE-FA,
age, and smoking habits. The proportion of CE20:5n-3 explained much of the
variation of triglycerides (TG, negative relation) and high density
lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C, positive) in both sexes and serum
apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1, positive) in the males. CE16:0 was positively
related to TG and negatively related to HDL-C and ApoA1 in both sexes, and in
males it related negatively to total cholesterol (TC) and low density
lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). In males, negative relationships were
present between CE18:2n-6 and TC and between CE14:0 and serum lipoprotein(a).
Smoking was independently associated with lower ApoA1 in both sexes and with
Lindeberg S. Lundh B.
Primary Health Care Centre, Sjobo, Sweden.
Apparent absence of stroke and ischaemic heart disease in a traditional
Melanesian island: a clinical study in Kitava.
Journal of Internal Medicine. 233(3):269-75, 1993 Mar.
On the island of Kitava, Trobriand Islands, Papua New
Guinea, a subsistence lifestyle, uninfluenced by western dietary habits, is
still maintained. Tubers, fruit, fish and coconut are dietary staples. Of the
total population, 1816 subjects were estimated to be older than 3 years and
125 to be 60-96 years old. The frequencies of spontaneous sudden death,
exertion-related chest pain, hemiparesis, aphasia and sudden imbalance were
assessed by semi-structured interviews in 213 adults aged 20-96. Resting
electrocardiograms (ECG's) were recorded in 119 males and 52 females. No case
corresponding to stroke, sudden death or angina pectoris was described by the
interviewed subjects. Minnesota Code (MC) items 1-5 occurred in 14 ECG's with
no significant relation to age, gender or smoking. ST items (MC 4.2 and 4.3)
were found in two females and Q items (MC 1.1.2, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3) in three
males. Stroke and ischaemic heart disease appear to be absent in this