WTF in a larger context (Was: what the Fuck ?? **** (oops,

Liam A. Chu (
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 10:38:09 -0800


On the topic of "what the Fuck ??" (thanks for such an open-ended topic), permit me to point out that some of us with primitive mailers have a hard time retracing conversational threads when participants

  1. totally obliterate prior subject lines (e.g., "Subject: what the..." vs. "Subject: what the... (Was:...)"


2) quote without attribution:

> If it is perfectly moral to eat dry breakfast cereal


At 16:38 1999/11/26 -0000, Tony.Tiger wrote:
> If it is perfectly moral to eat dry breakfast cereal

I'm sure you're a busy person. So are we all.

