Re: Flynn Effect in SciAm

Max M (
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 12:32:46 +0100

From: Timothy Bates <>

>Flynn argues that we cannot be more intelligent (he sees no signs of it)
>and that therefore the tests are to be viewed as rather distant
>indicators of general ability.
>There are a range of other interpretations, most simply, there are two
>main alternatives.
>1. Average IQ HAS increased ...
>2. The tests have been made less valid as all children now have 7 years
>of head start at macdonalds ...

It could also be simply that since the IQ test has become the meassurement tool, the education system has been directed toward acheiving how to improve the scores in the IQ tests. The education has simply become more focused on teaching what is relevant for a high IQ-test score.

# Max M Rasmussen,   New Media Director   Denmark
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