One of my great heroes of all time is Prof Bob Ettinger, author of THE PROSPECT OF IMMORTALITY and MAN INTO SUPERMAN, the prophetic activist who nearly four decades ago jump-started the cryonics movement and is still heavily involved.
Taking a deep breath recently, aware that Dr Ettinger was still recovering from a heart attack, I asked my publishers to enquire if he'd be prepared to read my forthcoming book, and perhaps provide a comment for the cover. He generously agreed to do so, and here's what he wrote. My head is still reeling:
The writing is delightful, often thrilling, and never perfunctory or
condescending. The subject matter includes most of the topics central to human
concern, incisively interpreted. Whence, What, and Whither ourselves and our
universe? Much is asked of the reader, and much is given. In the last few
years there has been a flood of books interpreting science and conjecturing
about the future; this is arguably the best.
The book is so far only lined up to be published in Australia (like its
predecessor THE SPIKE), from New Holland. With luck, a US publisher might
come to the party this time...
Damien Broderick (grinning from ear to ear)