Yes, but by the same token, can you? I can only look at what is most
prudent now and decide on that basis -- hopefuly, being broadminded
enough to be flexible.
>> gravity well. Earth can left to preposthumans -- er, humans.:)
>> That might solve the accidental death scenario, provided the >Hs
>> buy onto it. I, for one, would not want to wait around to find out.
>Several significantly superrealtime Mminds are a damn dynamic society.
>Transcension may occur within very short time periods, possibly less time
>than it takes for you to purchase a ticket to LEO. I don't think we will
>have a significant number of humans out of the gravity well living
>sustainably by 2030/2040. Besides, technosphere may expand hard at the
>light cone's limits. Get lost, in space? Might not be a viable
Perhaps, but I fear all of this might be overoptimistic. Also, I have this
fear about waiting for things like >H to happen. I'd rather do than be
done to. Progress is, sadly or no, optional.
Daniel Ust