On Sat, 4 Oct 1997 03:14:35 -0400 (EDT) EvMick@aol.com writes:
>In a message dated 97-10-02 21:23:34 EDT, you write:
><< Why not? The anarchists would claim that any system which
> such inequities among human beings is unacceptable. That holding but
> not using resources which other people could use is theft, and
> inefficient. If you're not using the building how is someone else
> moving into it theft? How is it unjust? >>
>I don't follow that...I have nothing against inequities...in fact I
>equality of outcome is a farce...a myth perpetuated by "do-gooder
>as an excuse to acquire and use force over others...
>Equality of opportunity is a different thing...although even it isn't
>If a person owns something....it's no business of yours what he does
>it...whether you think it fair...or not...and just because you
>disapprove in
>no way makes his use of his own property "theft"
>My retort to people who make such an argument " If you're not using
>building how is someone else
> moving into it theft? " is that it's MINE...and if you don't like
>off your dead ass and earn your own...I've done it...starting from
>zero...twice...and I don't see why others can't as well...
>And I was just this very minute talking to a guy...he saw me sitting
>at the
>table with my laptop...he didn't know what it was...he didn't know
>what I was
>doing...he claimed not to know how to read or wite...and yet he owns
>trucks...and is buying three more...so he must be having some success
>(he was
>a "minority'" by the way...one of those poor downtrodden by the evil
>man mexicans) So I don't have any pity for the helpless homeless...if
>I can
>and this guy can...then THEY can .
>Sorry for the vehemance...but theft...and the legitimazation of
>theft...aggravates me.