RE: IDENTITY-What it means to be 'me'

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 09:34:27 MST

> What you've invoked in this reference to "the wife and kids" here is not
> the value of my own, personal existence to itself (ie: to me). Rather,
> you are invoking the utility of an Emlyn to other people.
> 2 more years of Emlyn and 0 years of Emlyn',
> 0 more years of Emlyn and 1000 years of Emlyn',
> I would choose the latter, most certainly. But not for the right
> reasons! Particularly, I'd be doing it for "the wife and kids". To me,
> it would not be life extension, it would actually be a huge personal
> sacrifice. I'd have to do it in secret, too, because it'd only
> be fair on my family if they never knew.

I would certainly take the latter option for 100% purely selfish
reasons. Or would that be self'ish reasons? Beam me up.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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