----- Original Message -----
From: "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <sentience@pobox.com>
To: <extropians@extropy.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 8:56 AM
Subject: Riddles (was: Lateral Thinking)
> Damien Broderick wrote:
> >
> > At 04:37 PM 30/12/00 -0500, Eliezer wrote:
> >
> > >I am two boxes, each inside the other;
> > >I am myself, I have no brother;
> > >I am exactly what I claim;
> > >If you guess this riddle, speak my name.
> >
> > Well even if you're a HETERO ETHER-sniffing OTTER on a TETHER, HEH, by
> > TROTH, I dunno about your siblings, double boxhood or claim, so I'm
> > nothing.
> Okay, I didn't understand that at all, including the capitalized parts, so
> I'll have to rate that as a 'miss'
Damien is answering with things inside "the other"
Along these lines, one could claim that you are a "box so wet" which is, of
course inside of "two boxes" and is also a box.
But these are stretches, and not particularly good answers to this riddle
I'm guessing, instead, that you are "Voice Box," which, when spoken (as your
riddle implores us to do,) is a voice in a box, and "box" in a voice.
Two boxes (the word and the object,) each inside the other.
I like it.
Happy New Years all!
--::jason.joel.thompson:: ::founder::
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