At 11:29 AM 27/12/00 +0930, Emmers wrote:
>Hunter gatherers apparently spent about 2 hours a day in work-like (staying
>alive related) activity, and from there it's gone downhill
Emlyn, this is *ridiculous*. Ignore the fact that the ancient affordances
of the hunter gatherer world have vanished (plenty of game roaming free for
the taking, etc). If you were prepared to do without antibiotics,
compressed durable information sources, protection from the naked elements
and other toey hunter gatherers, etc, how much time do you suppose it would
take a halfway intelligent person nowadays to live at the subsistence level
of a stone age d00D? Squat in an abandoned house or office, scrounge food
from bins or a handout center? Your communal quality of life wouldn't be
much chop, because you'd find yourself sharing digs with chronic
schizophrenics and the like, but it wouldn't take you no two hours a day,
I'd reckon, especially if you can get away with wearing a loincloth and
didn't mind your teeth falling out.
Damien Broderick
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