I almost went to see this movie,
then I got this:
*********** BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE ***********
Enter the What Women Want Sweepstakes and you could WIN a Luxury TRIP TO NEW
YORK - stay at the famous Plaza Hotel, take a limousine to a Broadway Play,
spend a day at Elizabeth Arden Day Spa, plus $10,000 CASH!
You could also win a 1 CT. DIAMOND platinum pendant or a year's worth of
P.S. DON'T MISS What Women Want, in theatres NOW. To find out more about the
movie, visit the web site at www.whatwomenwantmovie.com.
If you are unable to click through on the Sweepstakes link above, please cut
and paste this link into your browser
*********** END FORWARDED MESSAGE ***********
If you like movies, you can spend hours here, and never go to a theatre.
Stay hungry,
--J. R.
3M TA3
Useless hypotheses: consciousness, phlogiston, vitalism, mind, free will
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