From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> The problem is that demand has grown faster than local supply, and local
> tree huggers and NIMBYites fight every attempt to build new power
> sources. Even the new big windfarms are dealing with rafts of legal
> challenges. The greens are trying to intentionally strangle the economy
> of the state.
By attacking public utilities, the Greens may give an unintended
(unintentional consequences seem to be one of their specialties) boost to
personal electricity technology such as fuel cells, photovoltaics/batteries,
and portable generators. This could inspire more interest in private energy
production and the self-reliance that accompanies it. I don't think the
Greens really know what they're doing long term. They sound like displaced
Marxists straining to conform to New Age socialism.
Stay hungry,
--J. R.
3M TA3
I think I must add "free will" to the list of "consciousness" "phlogiston"
"vitalism" and "mind" as examples of useless hypotheses.
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