----- Original Message -----
From: "Anders Sandberg" <asa@nada.kth.se>
> GBurch1@aol.com writes:
> > I love it when bright "amateurs" figure things out from first principles
> > come to the same conclusion that "experts" do. In this case, Anders,
> > done something I've seen happen a number of times since becoming
involved in
> > the transhumanist community
> Thanks! That felt good! I vividly remember when as a child I managed
> my first geometrical proof (the area of a parallelogram) and then
> discovered that somebody Euclid had beaten me with a few millennia.
For me it was Pascal's Triangle-- and to tell the truth, it actually kinda
pissed me off (but in a good way.)
This has happened to me a couple of times, and while it's sort of nice
verification for the intelligence of your process, don't it sometimes just
wanna make you ball up yer fists and scream up to the heavens: "is there
nothing new under the sun!?" :)
While I was at the film school, I produced a 20 minute project that was
eerily resemblant of 'The Matrix'-- 6 months before it came out. Oo, that
Is 'resemblant' a word? I really really like it!
--::jason.joel.thompson:: ::founder::
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