Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 05:00:09 -0800
From: Bennett Haselton <>
Subject: universal censorware-bypass program
A new program, "Peacefire", is available on our Web page that can disable
all popular Windows blocking programs with the click of a button --
released just as Congress has passed the first mandatory-blocking-software
Since the House and Senate passed corresponding versions of the Labor HHS
Education Appropriations Bill (HR 4577) on Friday, with an amendment
included to require the use of blocking software in schools and libraries
that receive federal funding, it is likely to become law soon. The
American Library Association announced the passage of the House bill in the
December 15 issue of the ALA Washington Office Newsline:
In response, Peacefire has released a bypass program -- eponymously named
"Peacefire" -- which can disable all popular Windows blocking software
(Cyber Patrol, SurfWatch, Net Nanny, CYBERsitter, X-Stop, Cyber Snoop,
PureSight) with the click of a button. The program is available at
A floppy disk with a copy of this program on it, could make a great
Christmas present for the right person :)
(425) 649 9024
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