Hello Robin,
I suppose you're asking about my mailing list due to David Brin.
Just some background-
I started Freematt's Alerts 10 years ago and opened it to the public
in 1995. I have over 10,000 subscribers all over the world.
E-groups maintains an archive located at
http://www.egroups.com/list/fa/ . Although, I run the list off one
of my machines.
I'm interested in many of the same things you are-
I first read Brin's "Confessions Of A Cheerful Libertarian" in
Prometheus, the newsletter of the Libertarian Futurist Society and
asked for Brin's permission to run it in my list. Brin granted me
permission and I posted it on 12-01-2000. I placed an afterword
critical of a couple of points that enraged Brin. Last week I
exchanged several emails with him that has convinced me he doesn't
handle criticism well.
Brin responded to my afterword by calling me clueless, a liar and
wimp etc. and demanded that I post his diatribe to my list. I told
Brin I'd be happy to post a rewrite if he removed the personal
invectives. I send new subscribers these guidelines:
"Guidelines for submissions: Send only items that are on topic. The writing
must be articulate and factual. I will not edit the content, but I may add
a descriptive header if necessary. If it is an opinion, it must be well
thought out and contain no personal invectives. Send anything you feel is
related to individual freedom, either directly or indirectly (you be the
judge). Send copyrighted material only if you have permission from the
copyright holder to do so. (I only send the best submissions to keep the
volume down and the quality up)"
Brin then demanded that I provide him if the names and addresses of
my subscribers so he could verify what I was sending them. I told
him that wasn't happening so now he has threatened to find them by
other means. Freematt's Alerts is a private list open to the public,
and it will stay private.
I'm in the process of collecting some useful commentary on Brin that
I intend to post to my list. Hal Finney and Michael Lorrey have
given me permission to use their commentary on Brin and I've received
some other illuminating commentary from several others.
Regards, Matt-
Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues
Send a blank message to: freematt@coil.com with the words subscribe FA
on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per month)
Matthew Gaylor, 1933 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., PMB 176, Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 313-5722 Archived at http://www.egroups.com/list/fa/
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