[Had to add my dime to the recent foray into alternative
Graft vs. Host Disease
(Methods of Conveyance)
It is an unfortunate state of affairs. We thought that by combining a cell
from each of those two hand-selected organisms, that we could hope for the
best possible outcome. Improvements, improvements. Surely, it was a step in
the right direction. One pluripotent cell and ohhh, look at the waste of it.
All those years of input, time consuming growth and development.
Experiences and energy. Perhaps we didn't add the right combination of
stimulatory growth factors at the optimal times and locations.Perhaps we
failed to incorporate the necessary inhibitory factors.
Assess the experiment. The blood brain barrier appears to be an effective
addition. The bio-interface has good mobility options, even factoring in the
costs of mechanical degradation. Random fluctuations in motivational input
seems to maximize work potential.
Unfortunately, just when the organism has been primed for the next phase,
irreversible systemic organ failure overtakes the intricate repair program.
Consult Id about implementing zero-net oxidant gain with the next batch.
The boredom-stress continuum could use some tweaking as well. External and
internal coherence are highly desirable.The sensitivity of the organism to
environmental fluctuations and interactions with other similar organisms has
led to adverse outcomes. Amplify the relative weights accorded
self-perceptions and minimize or alter all external feedback parameters.
Keep a close watch on any resulting schizophrenic tendencies. Make necessary
adjustments to the Kohonen network, balancing neuromodulator usage as
Innovative design specifications and tighter quality control should be given
greater emphasis in future applications.
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