Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> At 3:52pm -0500 12/8/00, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> >The way the hate crimes law is written here in Vermont it is essentially
> >a thought crime law. Expression of any non-politically-correct statement
> >in Vermont in earshot of a reporter or someone who may potentially take
> >offense at your speech could get you charged with a hate crime. It is
> >the most restrictive such hate crime law in the nation. Yet you then
> >admit that there were a grand total of 48 of these sort of 'hate crimes'
> >in Vermont in a whole year. Wellll SHEEEEAAATT. I'll be you could rack
> >up that many offenses in less than a minute in a single square mile of
> >any city in the US, if they used the same standards, so you are
> >essentially proving my original point. Thanks.
Saying something nasty about gays or any other group is not a "hate
crime". It may be a despicable opinion but you can't get thrown in jail
for it. A hate crime requires actual violence AFAIK.
- samantha
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