But, if you get rid of the programs people want, you ARE making them do things
your way. Not that's it's
likely you'll be able to get rid of something people want, though. That's more
what I was talking about than your specific
comments. If we get our way, others won't get theirs, there are more of them
than us, and so we have to take that into account.
Taking the rest of your comment into it, I think you and I are largely saying
the same thing, that we have to include subjects
and people who don't have all our goals, in order to get even some of them.
From: Chris Russo <extropy@russo.org>
>>And THIS is exactly why libertarians won't ever be a real force in American
>>politics. Almost universally every libertarian I know (including me, most of
>>time) comes off as a self-righteous know-it-all, acting as though everyone
>>is beneath them. We all seem to say "If only they could see what we see, but
>>they're not bright enough, so we'll have to make them do it anyway."
>You might want to reread my argument. You're woefully misstating it.
>I proposed nowhere "to make them do it anyway." To the contrary, I
>talked about coincidental goals building a coalition of voters. The
>more cerebral voters will probably appreciate the strong logic
>underlying everything, and the less cerebral will probably only be
>able to appreciate the shiny baubles that extend from that underlying
>I'm basically saying to not turn away those voters just because they
>don't understand the bigger picture. I'm also saying that if we're
>waiting for a plurality to understand the bigger picture, we're
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