The best way to achieve immortality is simpler, I think, that creating an
atom-by-atom replica of ourselves.
The first step would be to upload ourselves into a computer.
----- Original Message -----
From: zeb haradon <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: Immortality
> This debate - about whether I would attain immortality by creating an
> atom-by-atom replica of myself, gets right to the heart of consciousness.
> know that I am a different person, however slightly, in matter and
> organization, then I was 5 minutes ago - and much more then I was 10 years
> ago. I know that I "break continuity" every night when I sleep. As far as
> know, I was created anew with implanted memories this morning. But, I know
> that if I were to create a replica of myself for the purposes of
> immortality, I would feel absolutely no satisfaction when I finished
> creating it. I would not feel like I could go jump in front of a truck now
> while my replica continues my life. To think this way is like people who
> think they are attaining some kind of immortality through their work, or
> through having children. They're only concerned with what they leave
> for the world, and not whether they themselves continue to exist.
> I had a dream about this a few years ago, we were all creating replicas of
> ourselves and eating the originals for food. The originals were fine with
> the cannibalism because they felt immortal. My parents were trying to get
> to partake in the cannibalism but I didn't feel right about it.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Zeb Haradon (
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