Hoo-AH, Alex! Take no prisoners, and mind the pepper spray!
Alex Future Bokov wrote:
> Thanks for your moral support. The event was not a fiasco at all, to my
> surprise. The discussion was small but spirited, and we've attracted
> two new people. Oddly enough, Nietzche's name didn't come up, but
> Drexler's did.
> Our next projects are movie night and moderating a debate between Campus
> Libertarians and Michigan Resistance Against Genetic Engineering. I think
> I'll go shopping for riot gear sometime soon.
> Have as much fun as I will, everyone. If you're in southeastern Michigan,
> or nearby, drop me a line.
> --AFB
> - --
> BATF SOG bomb
> Why are the above words in my signature? Check out:
> http://www.echelon.wiretapped.net
> Version: PGP 6.5.1
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> =41GQ
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