Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: "Michael S. Lorrey" <>
> >>Brian D Williams wrote:
> >> I've refused to give one of the local PBS stations (WTTW channel
> >> 11 Chicago) a dime since they started running commercials, that
> >> and the fact I found out they pay themselves like network
> >> executives.
> >Ah, well, then I suppose you no longer buy newspapers either?
> Actually with the exception of the Friday edition of Investors
> Business Daily I don't. Chicago "newspapers" are little more than
> tabloids in my eyes.
> I don't mind paying for things I want, I do mind paying for things
> I don't want.
> If the networks can run commercials to pay for programming that's
> fine. If PBS can't make the same obviously effective model work
> than there's something wrong.
> I'm not out to support their bad economic model.
The PBS you describe seems to be following the model of magazines and
newspapers everywhere, while only online news/mags seem to follow the tv
broadcast model, and scholarly journals typically only follow the
subscription only model. The old PBS model only works so long as enough
people with money are bamboozled into beleiving in the superior quality
of programming on PBS, and don't mind paying other people's way
(typically under the elitist meme that they are helping to 'enlighten'
people), which is why PBS tends to be dominated by left wing liberals.
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