"spunk" is another name for semen.
--J. R.
----- Original Message -----
From: <Spudboy100@aol.com>
To: <extropians@extropy.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: greens
> In a message dated 11/18/2000 9:48:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> jasonjthompson@home.com writes:
> << Wise-cracking technological relic,
> with a real heart of gold, he undertakes to fight crime (and teach the
> little ones their numbers!) living out of a basement flat in Manhattan
> a crochety (yet endearingly likeable) aged Jewish pawnbroker and a
> female cab driver with remarkable spunk. >>
> I hate spunk.
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