Thank you, I am just returning from the Bethesda Maryland Foresight
conference, so I'm catching up on my email, again, I appreciate the kind
words! Adieu, Gina~
> At 08:38 PM 10/31/00 -0800, Gina wrote:
> >An interview I did for is now up online, the >subject
> >"Transhuman", (I of course plugged nanotech/extropy/ and >transhumanist
> >links at the bottom) the URL of the interview is:
> I read the interview and found it to be excellent. Gina, you really did
transhumanists proud on this one. And congratulations on your marriage to
James B. Lewis! Considering that he is the Foresight webmaster I can see
just some of what the two of you had in common! lol My very best wishes to
the two of you.
> sincerely,
> John
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