Dear Natasha,
Thank you for your kind suggestions concerning my web-site.
Please keep in mind the following:
1) There is not a single website in Italian that is dedicated to
extropianism, transhumanism, cryonics or the singularity. If you or anybody
else know otherwise please let me know, I’d be genuinely *delighted* to be
proved wrong and to find out where those sites are.
2) As a consequence of 1) my main priority is to start from the very basics
and translate into Italian a few transhumanist documents. Given that this is
not a full-time effort I intend to keep it simple. Hence the low-tech look
of the site. For now, I’d rather concentrate on the *ideas* (I’ll throw in
the “dash of panache” if and when I have the time). Please note that I am
most definetively (and clearly) not a web designer and that IMHO life’s too
short to learn HTML…
3) You said: “Do it with precision” ? Sorry, I can live with the fact that
you clearly don’t think much of the site, but this is more serious. Does not
mentioning your interview with Italian newsmagazine L’Espresso represent
lack of precision? In what way? The site is two weeks old and has minute
amounts of material on it at present. In that context, do you really think
your interview should have been my main priority out of all the
transhumanist material out there?! Anyway, the main thing is: *it’s already
in Italian!* Furthermore, while a very positive development, it is only two
short paragraphs…
( )
and the Extropy Institute is mentioned as the “Extropian Institute, a
Californian istitute involved in longevity”. You also say “it seems strange
to me that you emphasize the WTA FAQ which has some flaws and
inconsistencies which I don't believe have been corrected yet. Someone
should have explained this to you.” Let’s gliss over the patronising tone.
You miss the point that I am offering a *translation* of an original
transhumanist document to the Italian public, warts and all. Have a word
with the WTA if you think changes should be made. How would you like the
Extropian Principles translated in another language with arbitrary
modifications thrown in by the translator? Also, I started from that because
it is a good general intro to a number of subjects dear to extropians and
because extropianism is a subset of transhumanism and not viceversa. More
will follow (any suggestions welcomed), but it’ll take time.
4) Extropic art: I am not much interested in -or much impressed by- what I
have seen of extropic art. Call me a philistine if you have to, but extropic
art is very low on my list of priorities for the site.
5) Italy and art. You say “Oh my, and you want to appeal to Italians? In
that Italy is known for its arts and culture, it would seem to me that one
way to spread extropic memes would be to encourage creative thinking in the
cultural arena.” Fine, but, like many foregneirs that go to Italy attracted
by it’s artistic heritage, you seem to have a romanticised and stereotypical
view of Italians, the level of their interest in art and the local arts
scene. You’ll see what I mean if you try to think of three living Italian
artists that would be generally known outside Italy - or by non-Italians on
the list. I can only think of writer Umberto Eco (a few years ago it would
have been different, you could have mentioned Fellini, Pasolini, Modigliani…
all dead and sadly not replaced by a new artistic generation). That gives
you an accurate idea of the Italian arts scene at present.
Finally. Thanks for your offer of help and for suggesting your book on the
history of transhuman ideas, but I am still at the stage where I am trying
to expose people to those ideas, in most cases for the first time.
Recounting the history of those ideas might follow, but at a much later
time. In the meantime I’ll translate the Extropian Principles and as much
as I can on cryonics and the singularity. Soo little time, so much material
to translate…
Take care.
Original message from Natasha
Allora. This is a bit startling to read. Although I applaud your efforts and
I think it is wonderful that you have taken on the task of spreading memes
alla Italy, prego - do it with precision and a dash of panache. Extropians
and Extropic Art were recently featured in a leading Italian magazine.
Perhaps you missed this? I posted it to this list just a few weeks ago, I
believe. This is important and you should reference this article because it
was a cover story with excellent journalism. I wouldn't be surprised if this
story gets picked up by other Italian periodicals. Also, it seems strange to
me that you emphasize the WTA FAQ which has some flaws and inconsistencies
which I don't believe have been corrected yet. Someone should have explained
this to you. Also, I checked out your links and no where do you mention any
of our Web sites that pertain the Arts and Culture, the Transhumanist
Statement (re culture) or the Extropic Art Manifesto. Oh my, and you want to
appeal to Italians? In that Italy is known for its arts and culture, it
would seem to me that one way to spread extropic memes would be to encourage
creative thinking in the cultural arena. This is not to discount or place
less emphasis on technology and science, but when too much emphasis is place
on the latter an imbalance occurs that is neither helpful to our culture nor
our goals. If you want to get the history of transhuman ideas accurately,
and I trust you do, then please refer to my book which is easy to read and
translate. If you need assistance, please write to me privately. My
suggestion to you clearly reference our culture from an inclusive
perspective and transhuman history (which I can provide) or which ExI is
also working on.
Thank you, Natasha Vita-More
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