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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 08:38:46 +0200
From: Andreas Broeckmann <>
Subject: Artistic Software Prize - call for entries
transmediale.01 - international media art festival berlin
DIY [ do it yourself ! ]
4 - 11 February 2001
The transmediale.01 will award three prizes - each worth DM 10.000 -
in the categories: Interactive, Video and Artistic Software.
DEADLINE: 31 October 2000 (postmark).
For the first time (ever?), the transmediale is organising an art
prize competition in the field of software. We are interested in
supporting the artistic work done by hybrid artist-programmers whose
production have a distinct artistic quality yet which have not been
sufficiently acknowledged so far.
At the same time, we hope to stimulate the discussion about the
aesthetic potentials of programming (not only the 'but can it be
art?' question, but also that of 'does it offer a new and creative
perspective of the culture of technology?', and 'does it both
enable creative production, and represent an art work in itself?').
These questions will also be probed during a panel discussion at the
festival (probably on Thursday, 8 Feb 01).
For the time being, the definition that we use for the as yet barely
defined field of ARTISTIC SOFTWARE is that it incorporates projects
in which self-written algorithmic computer software (stand alone
programmes or script-based applications) is not merely a functional
tool, but is itself an artistic creation and a form of aesthetic
The transmediale.01 invites the submission of artistic projects
developed in or after 1998.
The closing date for entries is 31 October 2000 (postmark). It is
urgently requested that entries should arrive prior to that date,
Please download the entry form (pdf) from our website or request it as an attachment from
The transmediale - international media art festival berlin - will
be held from 4 to 11 February 2001 in the Podewil - Center for
Contemporary Arts - in Berlin and at other venues. The transmediale
is a platform for artistic and critical reflection on the role of
digital technologies in present-day society. The festival provides
a forum for communication between artists, those working in the media
and a wide range of experts and offers a stimulating environment for
the presentation of major new digital culture projects.
Hosted by Berliner Kulturveranstaltungs-GmbH
Supported by Hauptstadtkulturfond, Berlin Senate, European Commission -
Media II and Sponsors
Special thanks to: Contrib.Net
Klosterstr. 68 - 70 10179 Berlin GERMANY
Tel. ++49 30 / 2472 1907 Fax ++49 30 / 2472 1909
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