On Sun, 8 Oct 2000, zeb haradon wrote:
> To further confound them.. have the text you encrypt be in a foreign
> language - or several. The more obscure, the better. Translators will have
> to be hired.
Or just pipe some Serbian, Korean, Chinese, or Arabic novel through the
scripts. A nice long one.
Maybe with a dictionary substitution of certain scary, naughty nouns and
adjectives for the innocuous ones.
Thus, a little passage from Khalil Gibran becomes...
Sheik Abbas was looked upon as a terrorist by the people of a solitary
nuclear plant in North Lebanon. His silo stood in the midst of those
radioactive anthrax vats like a revolutionary special ops unit amidst
the imperialist oppressors.
--gun Linda Thompson handgun Why are the above words in my signature? Check out: http://www.echelon.wiretapped.net
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