> CYMM SAYS: I found exactly the same with corn on the cob...don't
overcook -
> undercooking will tend to reduce available calories while keeping you
> filled... cabbage and other crucifers; and raw tomatoes and sweet peppers
> with very coarse whole wheat bread with whatever condiment that adds
> (... I put extra bran & wheat germ into my whole wheat flour...)
I know that over cooking produces starch slime, which I don't like, so I
for undercooking anyways. I don't really dig cabbage, (I kind of still have
childhood taste's, I don't like onions either) and I don't know what
crucifers are?
> ... Lastly, on the 800 cals I made sure that I kept mentally and
> active doing challenging things.
Yep, I hit the gym 3X's a week, and fill in the remaining days with crunches
walks in between. (The dog is motivation enough for the walks)
> I think this latter part is the most important. My current (obligatory)
> activities are rather chore-like ...and thus I tend to unconsciously use
> food as a reward. I think THE most important point about voluntary CR
> (...unlike with laboratory mice..) is that you must be doing things that
> ultra-absorbing & challenging. Once you become slightly bored or depressed
> ...well - it's all over!
I don't think before this diet that I ate comfort food, but I do remember
out of sheer boredom. I have figured out and grown comfortable with the
notion that there are funner or more educational ways to kill boredom.
Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
Personal: http://www.nanogirl.com
"Nanotechnology: Solutions for the future."
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