"Spike Jones"
> You are too kind, J.R.
Yeah, I know. Some folks probably think I need to develop a tougher policy
toward anti-AI activists.
> While on vacation we visited my wife's grandmother. I got in a discussion
> with her on cryonics. She is a coverted Seventh Day Adventist, having
> been raised Mormon. 82 years old, mind in excellent shape, body
> deteriorating. We discussed cryonics, but I did not manage to get her
> to sign on, even if I pay all expenses. She would agree that *everything*
> is waaaaay better now than in previous times in her life, and would
> agree that life will continue to get better and that science will continue
> to advance and even that cryonics might work. But oddly enough
> she still didnt see it as compatible with her religion, even without a
> clear reason. She just knew it was wrong. {8-[
Wouldn't it be weird if religionism disappears from the Earth because religious
people refuse to take advantage of new technology? Not so weird? My grandparents
died years ago, but their minds were never what I'd call in excellent shape
(since they never stopped believing in organized religion). I'll never forget
Jesse Ventura's famous quote: "Organized religion is for weak minded people." Of
course they're not all weak minded. Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wants to kill everyone
who disagrees with him, and Eugene Lietl wants to put all AI workers in
concentration camps. Oh well.
> I am reminded of those religious groups in India that believe
> cobras are sacred. Many of these people die of cobra bites.
> This is a clear case where a religious notion is harmful to the
> wellbeing of the mind in which it resides. The anti-cryonics
> grandmother would be another example. spike
What? Cobras are not sacred? Their venom produces suspended animation... for a
few hours. Then it ends animation forever. Gee, doesn't that warrant worshipping
them as sacred beings?
Yes, I know some religions keep their adherents in good health by proscribing
alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, etc. But do they really live longer, or does it
just seem longer?
--J. R.
Always remember: You are not allowed to mistreat an oyster in Baltimore.
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