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Mike Lorrey tried:
Feminism today is not about equality, but superiority. Its the "I've got
mine, screw you." mentality of politics.... If we men complain
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The only men that complain are the mindless patriarchal social conservatives that have an agenda of getting their flock riled up. It is a black or white thing with these less than intelligent people.
The right wing fascist goons like Rush, the Christian Reconstructionists, and their like stereotype women activists-feminists into one group. They call themselves "libertarian"; that is ludicrous and the typical deceptive logorrhea for the right. They are "Guns and Gawd" people only. They would scrap the establishment clause in a second if they could............jim
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To accuse me, or any other woman on this list of having a problem with men as a gender is absolute nonsense. The most beloved person in my life is a man, and a very masculine one at that.
I view your diatribe as a revealing of what you think of women, more than of what we think of men. I hope that you will think about that, and stop using transhumanist and libertarian ideas as a platform for your own anger towards women. Until then, I do not plan to respond to any more of this.
Kathryn Aegis
At 09:57 PM 9/11/99 -0400, Michael Lorrey wrote:
>Women may be all for what they see as freedom for themselves (actually
>security and protection from all those evil men), but at the expense of
>freedoms of men. Being libertarian for yourself, but fascist toward
>others in the end does not make you a libertarian. How about being for
>freedom for all, regardless of gender? Feminism today is not about
>equality, but superiority. Its the "I've got mine, screw you." mentality
>of politics.... If we men complain we are labeled misogynists,
>chauvinists, sexists, being 'inflammatory', etc. When you complain about
>unfair treatment its 'justifiable'. Double standards, anyone? How about
>you stop confusing freedom with security?
>Mike Lorrey