If it comes down to that, I myself have an IQ of only 143. I've always thought of this as my "raw neurons" score - what my intelligence would have been if I wasn't a Specialist. There isn't all that much to support this (except that it *is* what one would expect from the genetic mixing of my parents), but what can I say? I'm a romantic.
Yes, there are all kinds of abilities contributing to intelligence; you
can read about some of them in _Coding a Transhuman AI_ or _Algernon's
Law_. They just don't have easily understandable, morally significant,
and, above all, high-level-recognizable identities like "emotional
intelligence" or "ability to work with others".
sentience@pobox.com Eliezer S. Yudkowsky http://pobox.com/~sentience/tmol-faq/meaningoflife.html Running on BeOS Typing in Dvorak Programming with PatternsVoting for Libertarians Heading for Singularity There Is A Better Way