A few weeks back Anders or someone suggested a great idea of creating
a personality test to determine where extropians and transhumanists of various
ilk stood on a wide variety of philosophical and practical issues. One thing that
seems obvious to me is that in reality there is a wide variety of opinions on what
transhumanism means to various people. As time goes on, this opinion variance
continues to diversify and widen. I think the post-human future will probably be the
equivalent of the cambrian explosion in terms of future diversity and evolutionary
pathways. Wouldn't it be interesting to see what people most share your core
ideals and ethics? Frankly, transhumanism is becoming increasingly too general
and vague in describing how we each feel about the future. Perhaps its time to
subdivide transhumanism into various schools of thought?
Your opinions are encouraged. Please feel free to submit your own ideas,
questions, and philosophical divides you see. Here are some of the bigger
variances I'm aware of. I'll be the first to admit that these
Any others?
Paul Hughes