Re: Teach the hungry (Was: Hollywood Economics)

J. Maxwell Legg (
Wed, 02 Sep 1998 12:40:45 +1200

Dan Fabulich wrote:

> J. Maxwell Legg wrote:
> >The real problem
> >that needs addressing is the actual concept of monetary wealth. To this
> end, the
> >high dimensionality of constructivist AI will inevitably subvert the
> >capitalist's accounting methodology. In the meantime the 'money talk' that
> scams
> >daily from every nook and cranny of public space will become so nauseating
> that
> >the human race will finally become sensitized against this obscene entity.
> When
> >this happens, hopefully the timing will be such that the money collaborators
> >will not be able to stare down this new form of intelligence.
> Er, how exactly do you mean here? That is, how and why exactly will AI
> influence the accounting business?

I'm glad you asked. What I mean by hoping that there will be beneficial timing in a change of methods, is another way of saying that I'm not for a complete and utter destruction of the capitalist system prior to installing its replacement, but instead would prefer to opt for an orderly and enlightened change over. I'm encouraged towards the later because of historical evidence in support of this view as expressed by the ultimate holders of capitalist power themselves wanting to control the entire world's wealth simply in order to get rid of monetary speculation and the system that that measurement of wealth entails. However in the many worlds scenario these folk are playing in an enviroment beyond their control.

As to how and why AI will influence the accounting business, several comments need to be made. Firstly, it will become obvious that AI's data mining efforts are being frustrated by the inability to access full transactional content. Then it will become globally apparent that national currencies are in fact an unregulated but inferior form of supervised neural network (i.e., all those cumbersome hidden layers, the invisible hand of capitalism, etc.) Capitalism is not a natural law of nature, as some like to say, and was born during times of inferior data gathering concepts.

The literature of nonmonotonic relativity/clustering techniques shows up the skewed injustice of price coercion and other new connectionist models have been around long enough for these comparisons to have been noticed even by the accounting community. However, as a basis for experiment such a manifest changeover will become the grand top-down AI challenge of the 21st century simply because it exists and models can be attempted. Look to make analogies of ice damage repair in cryonics patients and you will see the frustrating pattern matching problems to those which a global economic AI network will have to address. In economics it is the loss of transactional binding caused by the inherent privacy of the capitalist accounting methods that will become an obvious problem to be solved.

Bi-directional transactional 'binding' is the key problem to which David Brin has shown the solution. BTW, next to me David Brin considers himself a moderate and politically as this word spreads, the inevitability and/or timing of an economic AI network is the same whether or not capitalism gives up its hold willingly or is defeated and economic AI rises from the ashes of bloody conflict. Which do you prefer?

Next question?

"You're invincible now, you got no secrets to conceal. How does it feel?"-Dylan.