Just Clone Trainned Animals.....

Prof. Jose Gomes Filho (gomes@dpx.cnen.gov.br)
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 10:28:29 -0200

I have very few time to be actualized with all my messages ( they are ~ 1500
up to now...).

So I will emit a quick opinion about clones discussions:

Lots of the doubts about the behaviour of the clones can be cleared if we
clone individuals already trainned, like, f.ex., dogs and apes which have
learned to solve simple problems... I suppose it seems obvious that the
clonned individuals WILL NOT have the same programs in their brains.....



Prof. Jose Gomes da Silva Filho, M.Sc.
Interrelated Interests:
Alternative Life Forms
email: gomes@cnen.gov.br
hp: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/1065

Thanks for being in touch.
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