From: Michael M. Butler <butler@comp*lib.org>
To: extropians@extropy.org
Subject: Re: The continuing evolution of business and education
Date: Wednesday, July 23, 1997 1:51 AM
>no matter what you do or try to do there will
>usually be at least three people who will try to stop you from doing that
>which you believe is right.
Absolutely! We are in utter agreement!
PS: And none of them will be bureaucrats, of course...
Pleas don't take this as kvetching--I'm quite prepared to bet money. :)
Dear Michael and other fellow Extropians:
Actually, :-) some of them will in fact be frustrated and disgusted
politically appointed bureaucrats who have gotten into a rut and are
simply mad at the world.
Others are simply those who are in the private sector and feel that they
might be discommoded by change. Frequently, the general run-of-the-mill
kvetching is simply an outlet or sublimation of other anxieties or
agressions that have nothing really to do with with whatever they're
kvetching about.
Such is human nature.