Re: Media ignores Ballistic [Missile] Defense.

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 22:00:15 MDT

At 12:58 AM 8/28/01 -0400, John K Clark wrote:

>I predict that some time in the next few
>years a major city someplace will simply cease to exist, there will be many
>theories about who caused the blast but nobody will be able to prove

For what motive? Revenge-that-dare-speak-its-name? That would be
psychologically rather unsatisfactory, surely. And it's not a very useful
tactic unless you can say `Do X or we'll detonate the other ones', no?

`Welease Woderick!'

Damien Broderick
[not to be mistaken for Woderick]

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