Re: Mind/Body dualism What's the deal?

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 08:38:51 MDT

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 wrote:

> Are you feedback from a neuromuscular system, plus memory?

You're a self introspection artifact of certain aspects of the physical
system "human".

> Is there any reasonable chance that you are more or less then that?

See above.

> Can computer science, anytime soon, absorb the "haptics" of the
> sensation and memory of the inside of your own mouth? If not, is this

This is not a problem of computer science but of biomodelers, mostly
computational neuroscience folks. The computer science folks are typically
less than instrumental, unless they're number crunchers, or hardware

> something people will need?

If you want to remove certain aspects of you it is of course possible. The
word to google for is agnosia. You can do funky things with body image
edits. Some of them would even make sense.

> What about hundreds of other minor sensations and habits that will
> need to be duplicated sufficiently, in order to "fool" the uploaded
> personality?

Make a dumb brute force upload, then you don't need to worry about
anything. Then you can start tinkering, should you feel an irresistible

> Do neuroscientists yet understand sufficiently what constitutes us as
> a personality? The limbic system, cerebrum, cerebellum, and all its

You don't have to understand anything about the emergent properties. Just
model the physical layer with sufficient fidelity, and the emergent stuff
is, well, it emerges spontaneously.

> interlocked interactions.
> The complexity to this is daunting so no wonder thinkers seek a Yudkowskian
> Singularity to be able to accomplish this, rather then the monkey, trying to

I'd rather have a Vingean one, please, with whipped cream and a maraschino
on top.

> understand the monkey. Please hand me a banana.

I see that people still don't understand that you don't have to understand
anything but the physical layers to simulate monkeys. Or bananas, and
their interaction with monkeys.

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
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