Re: [Fwd: Anyone surprised ?]

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 22:49:32 MDT

From: "Lee Corbin" <>
> Adrian Tymes provides a list of purported I.Q.s of the
> presidents. I have two questions. (1) do you have any
> idea of what the standard deviation for the population
> at large would be for this "test", (2) have you asked
> yourself how many people in a nation the size of the U.S.
> would be expected to have Clinton's purported I.Q.,
> namely 182?

I unfortunately deleted the information about the cite where this story
turned up to be a hoax. I've gotten several of these in the last 3 weeks
... so I thought that its hoax status was well known by now. (See what
happens when we spend too much time reading and arguing about Fred Reed,
heh? Our brains are turning to goo!)


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