>Of Al Villalobos wrote:
> A while ago I reponded to Barbara Lamar's comment of
> "if
> you're non-white, when, to the best of my knowledge, whites
> commit at least
> as many crimes per 100 people as do non-whites.
I insted found a summary of that
> document here:
> If recent incarceration rates remain unchanged, an estimated 1 of every 20
> persons (5.1%) will
> serve time in a prison during their lifetime.
> Lifetime chances of a person going to prison are
> higher for
> -- men (9%) than for women (1.1%)
> -- blacks (16.2%) and Hispanics (9.4%) than for whites
Al, I stated that whites and non-whites commit about the same number of
crimes per 100 people but that non-whites have a much higher chance of being
arrested and convicted of crimes. Please be aware that the statistics you've
quoted are based on people who've been arrested and formally accused of
crimes. Even if they're true, they don't refute what I wrote. I have
personally observed that whites commit at least as many crimes as non-whites
per 100 people (naturally, this is estimated--I haven't kept formal
records). It's true that whites are more likely to commit white collar
crimes than non-whites, because white-collar work is what they DO more of.
Your average white person's going to be more skilled at embezzling money
from her employer and writing hot checks than at armed robbery.
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