On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
> Actually, the problem exists if *at least one* advanced alien species,
> anywhere in our past light cone, is either (a) Darwinian or (b)
> Friendly. Now, I personally would expect Singularities to be either
So far I assume Friendliness is mythical. And of course nonexpansive
Friendliness is not very Friendly, unless it yanks everything it gobbles
up into simulation, presenting a sterile facaded (for whatever reasons).
So, what whe have is: (check the following)
( ) Darwin, anthropic principle makes king of your lightcone
( ) Unicorns, mermaids, Daoine Sidhe
( ) None. We're alone after all.
> Darwinian or Friendly, with little or no grey area. If all
> Singularities check 'none of the above' then something really strange
> is going on. In fact, I think it's pretty safe to say that *any*
> resolution to the Fermi Paradox implies something really strange,
> unless we're all missing the obvious.
Given past evidence, we're almost certain to miss something critical.
But let that not remove any of the aplomb, it's much too much fun.
-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://www.lrz.de/~ui22204/">leitl</a>
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