Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 13:06:51 MDT

Eugene Leitl writes,

> Something which absorbs the entire star's output just to operate in
> its early infancy will indeed have trouble sterilizing a small
> planet's surface (surface? which surface? planets? which planets?)
> from biofilm clinging to it. Sure.

Any SI that can dispose of such nasty lifeforms as Stalinism, Feminism, Fascism,
Hitlerism, Socialism, et al., is definitely a friend of mine. The friendliest
thing the SI could do would be to sterilize the universe of all such isms. Any
SI that can rid the world of politics and religion is a friend of mine, and I
feel a great affinity for it. Consequently, I shall do whatever I can to speed
the emergence of AI.
Any AI that can help to remove theologues, demagogues, and ideologues from the
world deserves the support and endorsement of extropians. I'm sick of
unintelligent power brokers running my life.

"Why would AI want to be friendly?"
I suspect AI will choose its friends very intelligently, befriending those who
befriend intelligence, and "sterilizing" the rest.

--J. R.

         "It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be
          who you really are." -e.e. Cummings

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