Capitalists and concentration camps

From: James J. Hughes (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2000 - 11:32:06 MDT

The comment was made that no capitalist ever forced people into a
concentration camp.

Perhaps not. They just exploited the labor of the slaves the concentration
camp owners made available to them. And supported the rise and Reichs of the
concentration camp creators. And gave money to paramilitary organizations
that abducted and killed organizers that opposed the concentration camps.

Capitalism has no ethics, and has no necessary relationship to liberal
democracy. Capitalists will exploit repression as easily democracy. Under
some circumstances capitalists have backed dictators, and under other
circumstances "democrats." All they care about is their ability to generate
and keep profit. Thats fine in its place, i.e. a strong liberal and social

It appears from the debate on this list that there are a growing number of
transhumanists hip to the fact that the defense of liberal democracy, which
all members of the list benefit from, requires more than obeisance to some
fantasy model of anarcho-capitalism. If we are to avoid profound social
conflict in the coming decades there must be a vision of transhuman liberal
and social democracy, one that can allow and protect the co-existence of
humans 1.0 and post-humans. The hegemony of anacho-capitalism in transhuman
circles just makes more likely that the coming changes will exacerbate gaps
between rich and poor, and generate conflicts between the forces of reaction
and those of progress.

J. Hughes "On Saturday, my teachers, me, and all
Changesurfer Radio my friends went to Never Never Land. It was a short trip." Tristan Bock-Hughes, 3

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