"Robert J. Bradbury" <bradbury@aeiveos.com> writes:
> I've been reviewing the possible approaches to upgrading our
> communication and interaction options.
> It would appear that the installation of an EI/extropians news
> server (similar to slashdot.org) is feasible. I am going to
> undertake the setup of a test-server (perhaps einews.org,
> though other suggestions should be discussed). This appears to be
> a non-trivial task since it involves setting up and testing a SQL database
> server as well as a host of perl scripts, so it will not happen
> overnight.
I would suggest contacting Max M (maxm@maxmcorp.dk) about this, since he was discussing the possibility of a transhumanist web portal on TransVision and apparently plans to write one this summer. It is always a good idea to coordinate activity.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anders Sandberg Towards Ascension! asa@nada.kth.se http://www.nada.kth.se/~asa/ GCS/M/S/O d++ -p+ c++++ !l u+ e++ m++ s+/+ n--- h+/* f+ g+ w++ t+ r+ !y