Re: Nanorgasm

Lee Daniel Crocker (
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:07:48 -0700 (PDT)

We, as a culture, have hardly begun to explore the sexual possibilities of even conventional technologies. This is an area ripe for research. Other than a few chemicals and a few electrical gadgets and a few operations, there's really not been much progress in the area in decades.

Mostly that is because of cultural and legal biases against such technology. Indeed, Alabama tried to outlaw sex toys recently (the case is currently in court). Research into such things as MDMA is restricted. Worst of all, it's illegal to make a business out of providing sexual gratification in certain ways, so there's no strong free-market incentives for research.

If you want to see more technology here, I think the best approach is fight the legal and cultural barriers. Ridicule the prudes, fight the despots, celebrate and exalt the hedonistic heroes.

Then of course, there's personal research.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>

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