Scott Badger wrote:
> I also remember hearing that Dr. K stated that, if convicted and jailed, he
It seems to me that his goal is to starve himself to the point where the
government will keep him alive on a nutritive IV drip, so his lawyers can then
get him classified as a political prisoner.
Mike Lorrey
> would fast until he died. I wonder to what degree he was just getting old
> and tired and wanted a showdown before he himself died. This may be why he
> chose to make the injection himself rather than allow the patient to pull
> his own plug, and possibly why he chose to represent himself in court. He
> must have known that this would increase the probability of his conviction.
> Maybe he intended to go to jail all along where his own suicide, the
> ultimate expression of his belief in the right to die, would have a greater
> chance of turning him into a martyr.