My engineering naivete? I was simply talking thermodynamics. I see energy
consumption increasing by many, many orders or magnitude in the transhuman
near future. Most of the things worth doing that haven't been done are
limited by either energy or technology. Remove the technology barrier to
the entire population of the planet and energy consumption will skyrocket,
just to feed the technology. Energy consumption is increasing rapidly as
it is. Readily available energy only seems abundant by current standards.
When your average engineering project starts having peta-watt energy
requirements on a 24/7 basis as a routine part of transhuman life, finding
local, high-quality energy sources will become an issue. I think a
not-too-far-future society could burn up the useful energy of the Solar
system pretty quickly without trying too hard. Power technologies like
OTEC could be widely useful now, but the energy density is probably
insufficient to meet the needs of the not-so-far future.
I am quite certain that I will not be the only person spending their time
(as part of the new "leisure class") finding really interesting ways to
burn cosmic quantities of energy, given that technology is no barrier and
cost is no object.
-James Rogers