I don't even have a problem with public funding of education. Its the
monopoly of the market that I find so objectionable and in my opinion,
the big cause of the problems with our public primary education. As
previously stated by me, publicly funded college education is very good
in most areas of the US. Excellent in some. Because individual public
colleges do not have a monopoly on the students resident in their state,
they have IMHO retained a level of quality that one normally sees with
free market services, while the monopolistic primary schools have not.
Likewise, the tax system should have a way out for people who live by
their principles, much like concientious objectors to military service.
There is currently a form one can fill out at the IRS certifying that
the signor is a member of a religion that has such objections to social
security. In exchange for being exampt from paying SS taxes, you refuse
permanently any rights to benefits. If this method were expanded to CO
types, I think that present society will survive handily, while people
who object to confiscation as much as the founding fathers did can live
in peace.
Its time for an anti-trust lawsuit against the federal government.
-- TANSTAAFL!!! Michael Lorrey ------------------------------------------------------------ mailto:retroman@tpk.net Inventor of the Lorrey Drive Agent Lorrey@ThePentagon.com Silo_1013@ThePentagon.com http://www.tpk.net/~retroman/Mikey's Animatronic Factory My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA) MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH) ------------------------------------------------------------ #!/usr/local/bin/perl-0777---export-a-crypto-system-sig-RC4-3-lines-PERL @k=unpack('C*',pack('H*',shift));for(@t=@s=0..255){$y=($k[$_%@k]+$s[$x=$_ ]+$y)%256;&S}$x=$y=0;for(unpack('C*',<>)){$x++;$y=($s[$x%=256]+$y)%256; &S;print pack(C,$_^=$s[($s[$x]+$s[$y])%256])}sub S{@s[$x,$y]=@s[$y,$x]}