On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, QueeneMUSE@aol.com wrote:
> Just for the record, I am not, have never been and never will be a redneck.
> Nadia
> PS: 'Redneck' implies backwards ways, blatent racism and violent behavior
> against gays and hippies.
I doubt anyone on this list could be a proper redneck. I think this has
more to do with appearances to people with shallow classification systems.
People have told me I look like a "redneck" (when I am in that mode) even
though, they know I am not one in the cultural sense. I often
use that to description for lack of a better one because it conveys the
image well.
Perhaps, what I mean to say is that I sometimes wear a redneck facade, or
that I am a redneck using the shallow definition.
(While I don't know anything about violence against hippies, I *have*
heard funny stories from ranchers about hippy violence against them. Way
OT, but highly amusing.)
-James Rogers
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