"Max M" wrote
> It seems to me that changing ones oponion is a sign of strength rather than
> a sign of weakness.
Well, I am not sure what the link is too strength or weakness, and taken as
written, i would suggests that changing one's opinion, per se, is a sign of
nothing at all: the question is why did you change your mind, and also, in
terms of the current thread, did you at least have an opinion, or are we so
willing to change our minds that we never assert anything.
> How come that in politics one is a short-sightet, illoyal
> villain if one changes ones point of view when in science one should allways
> do it when faced with new evidence?
Because that is politician's breaking promises. Scientists in fact promise
to never become hide bound and when they do we accuse them of being
short-sighted and illoyal villains too.