Eric Ruud [] wrote:
Uh, for the average American, bees *are* more dangerous than great white
sharks. For the average American, their bathroom *is* more dangerous than
a gun. For someone swimming with a great white shark it's more dangerous
than a bee. For someone facing a jackbooted government thug, the thug's
gun is more dangerous than their bathroom.
Why should we be concerned about these special cases when we're talking
about the effect on the average American's life? The average American is
far more likely to die in a bathroom accident than a gun accident. That's
it. You're trying to turn the discussion to some special case which is
irrelevant to what we're talking about.
>For example, people might say that bees are more dangerous than
>great white sharks, simply because there are a greater number of bee deaths
>than great white deaths... you get where I'm going with this.